Consumers lead busy lives these days and often they simply don’t have time to trawl the high street in search of the best designer leather handbags. For any discerning fashionistas, this poses a real problem. After all, fabulous new products are coming to the market all the time and so they may be missing out on the latest and hottest trends.
Also, by investing in a range of stylish bags, ladies can ensure they have versions that will complement any outfit. From professional looking bags that are ideal for the office to chic feminine numbers that go perfectly with glamorous evening wear, there are lots of bases to cover.
A Savvy Alternative
However, there is an alternative to more traditional forms of shopping that women are increasingly turning to when they are in search of new bags. Rather than taking time out of their hectic schedules to make trips to the shops, they can peruse the options open to them online.
Indeed, the popularity of e commerce is on the rise. Recently, Visa Europe predicted that the third of this month would be record breaking in terms of the number of purchases made in cyberspace. The firm suggested that over the 24-hour period, a total of around £320 million would be spent on its cards and transactions would top 6.8 million, representing a rise of over a fifth compared with the same day in 2011. It dubbed the occasion Mega Monday.
This form of shopping allows consumers to peruse their options and make purchases at a time and place that suits them. Also, there is an ever-expanding range of devices that people can make use of when browsing the web.
Visa Europe pointed out that individuals now utilize computers, tablets and smartphones when engaging in retail therapy over the internet.
Increasing Confidence In Security
One of the factors behind the rising interest among consumers in online purchasing may be enhancements in security. This was the suggestion of Visa Europe’s commercial director Dr Steve Perry.
He added: “On Mega Monday, people across the UK will go online and use their Visa cards to make
6.8 million transactions, the most in a single day in UK history. That’s 21 per cent more than in 2011, signalling that consumers are becoming increasingly accustomed to the advantages of shopping online for everyday purchases and special items, especially in the lead-up to Christmas. Online shopping now accounts for a significant proportion of all retail spend.”
A Broad Selection
As well as the convenience afforded by online shopping, many consumers are drawn into cyberspace to look for new luxury handbags and other items because of the impressive levels choice on offer.
There is an array of products available for purchase via the internet, meaning even the most discerning individuals should not struggle to find what they are after.
It seems as though the popularity of online shopping is here to stay and trends towards increasing use of the web among UK consumers show no sign of slowing or reversing any time soon.
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