There are numerous benefits that artificial greenery has over the real thing: they last longer, they aren’t seasonal and they can work out as more cost effective. Another benefit is that they are suitable for those who have allergies.
If you run a public space then you never know who is going to come through the door. Obviously you might be visited by someone with a very severe allergy and so you might want to take pre-emotive measures. Instead of using real trailing plants you might switch to artificial plants which are more than suitable for those who have allergies.
One of the most common allergies associated with plants is hay fever. This is a reaction to pollen in plants and it’s extremely common. Lots of people have it to some degree, and it is more common at certain times of the year.
Even plants and flowers that are used as display can still exacerbate the symptoms of hay fever, for instance they may cause sneezing or itchy eyes and nose. Also,
hay fever becomes more common at certain times of the year.
With this in mind, if you use real flowers for most of the year you might switch to artificial flowers at times of the year when hay fever becomes more common and problematic. Or you might simply want to replace your existing real flower displays with high quality artificial flowers anyway, regardless of their benefits to those who suffer from allergies.
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