E-marketing using e-mail can potential be one of the most fruitful strands of internet marketing. One proven way to use e-mail effectively is to send out e cards. E cards are very similar to traditional greetings cards, with one big difference: you send them online and they’re completely digital.
There are all sorts of reasons to choose virtual e cards over the real thing. They’re obviously much better for the environment, they’re cheaper to send and they’re easier to send, you can do so with just a couple of clicks.
Whilst e cards are much easier to send, you will want to bear the following in mind:
Use Personalisation: A lot of internet marketing is non-personable and gets marked as spam. By addressing content to an individual you will have a much better impact.
Ensure you send the cards at the right time. Obviously e cards are best sent at certain times like Christmas. Also, you might want to think about when in the week you should send cards for maximum effect.
Think carefully about design. Generic e cards again are more likely to be marked as spam, and instead you should think carefully about what designs are most likely to appeal to your customer base.
Go easy on the sales pitch. E cards can be so effective because they aren’t overtly pushy in terms of marketing, and are more about adding value to current connections or simply reminding customers about your business.
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