When we’re talking about fashion it’s always difficult to generalize Sometimes, fashion statements that are outside of the norm have the most impact; however, there is still a place for fashion staples. Some of the most important fashion items today are luxury handbags and purses, which have never really gone out of fashion. The heritage of the handbag is one of the main reasons for its current popularity. We can trace the usage of luxury bags way back into the early 1900’s. The golden age of the handbag and purses was a bit later, and the fact that many starlets embraced the handbag, from Elizabeth Taylor to Marilyn Monroe, has surely contributed to their popularity.
Whilst the face of celebrity has changed considerably in more recent times it is still typical to see a luxury bag or purse adorning the arms of those who are most admired. Celebrity is a bigger phenomenon than it’s ever been, and so the popularity of handbags has grown simultaneously.
There is more to the humble handbag or purse than just the echo of the celebrity world of course. The best purses and handbags are both very functional and attractive, durable and beautiful. The modern age means women tend to carry lots of things around with them, notably their mobile phones and even things like tablet computers. Modern handbags are built to carry this kinds of stuff, and to do so with aplomb.
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